How to Avoid a Climate Disaster Book Cover

How to Avoid a Climate Disaster

The Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need
Book by: Bill Gates

Brief summary

Climate change is one of the biggest and most important challenges the world is facing today. Through this book, Bill Gates has tried to create a constructive and solution-oriented discourse about climate change. The book starts off with the discussion of exactly what climate change is before delving deep into all its causes, effects, hurdles and difficulties in reaching its solutions and comprehensive plans for reaching said solutions. It brings into perspective the technology we have as well as the technology we need to fight climate change.

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Lesson 1. What is Climate change?

The world is getting hotter every year. The temperature of the earth is steadily rising year after year. This is known as global warming. It is caused due to a phenomenon called "the greenhouse effect." The greenhouse effect is caused due to gases like carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. This works in the same way a greenhouse does, hence the name. These gases let the heat from the sun enter our atmosphere and then trap a percentage of that radiation. This is what keeps the earth warm at night. But, for the last couple of decades, the world has been looking at an abnormal rise in temperature due to the excess amount of greenhouse gases being pumped into the atmosphere. In fact, the human population adds 51 billion tons of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere every year. This massive amount of greenhouse additives is the reason our planet is barreling towards a climate disaster. Even what seem like small rises in temperatures, such as 1 or 2 degrees Celsius, cause a lot of trouble. Therefore, to avoid a climate disaster, what we need to aim for, is zero. Zero emissions.

But why zero?

Any drop in emissions short of net-zero will only postpone and not prevent climate catastrophe. Imagine a bathtub with a running tap. The bathtub is nearly full. To stop the water from spilling over, we have to close the tap and not just slow the flow. If the tap is even trickling, then sooner or later, the bathtub will overflow.

Getting to zero will not be an easy road to travel. Fossil fuels are so pervasive and integrated into most aspects of our lives that, more often than not, we don't even realize they are there. From the fertilizers that help our food grow to the steel that makes up most of the modern world's infrastructure, fossil fuels are everywhere. Not just limiting but stopping the use of fossil fuels in order to reach zero will require huge transitions in every walk of life. And looking back at the history of human life, it is not hard to spot that transitions like these take a long time. Time that we currently do not have.  

Finally, the biggest hurdle in our way is the lack of consensus about climate change. There are still groups, vocal groups of people who are not persuaded by science and maintain their beliefs that climate change is not real or that solving it is not urgent or important. This puts hurdles in the path of global or even national cooperation.

Climate change is a

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Published Year: 2021
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How to Avoid a Climate Disaster Book Cover
Chapter List
  • Lesson 1. What is Climate change?
  • Lesson 2. Questions to ask
  • Lesson 3. Our biggest nemesis- Electricity
  • Lesson 4. The “Concrete” Problem
  • Lesson 5. The Problem We Can’t Eat Away
  • Lesson 6. The Problem of Getting Around
  • Lesson 7. The Cooling Problem
  •  Lesson 8. The Path to Change
  • Lesson 9. Changes You Can Make
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In the summary of How to Avoid a Climate Disaster book, there are 9 key lessons. These lessons include:

  1. Lesson 1. What is Climate change?
  2. Lesson 2. Questions to ask
  3. Lesson 3. Our biggest nemesis- Electricity
  4. Lesson 4. The “Concrete” Problem
  5. Lesson 5. The Problem We Can’t Eat Away
  6. Lesson 6. The Problem of Getting Around
  7. Lesson 7. The Cooling Problem
  8.  Lesson 8. The Path to Change
  9. Lesson 9. Changes You Can Make

How to Avoid a Climate Disaster by Bill Gates was published in 2021.

Once you've completed How to Avoid a Climate Disaster book, We suggest reading out as a great follow-up read.

Yes, the book How to Avoid a Climate Disaster is really good to read. 114 people have searched for the book summary on the Wizdom platform. The book summary has a rating of 0.0, 0 on our platform.

In the printed version of How to Avoid a Climate Disaster book have over 300 pages and usually takes 8-10 days to finish. However, with the Wizdom app, including its summary and audiobook, it can be completed in just 15 minutes.

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