Ultimate Self Development App

One-stop-shop for personal growth and self-improvement

Get concise and insightful summaries of the best non-fiction books in personal growth, business, and wellness, engaging podcasts with in-depth discussions and key insights, and beautifully designed visual infographics that capture the core messages of each book.

With our comprehensive tools and resources, you'll be able to:
  • Boost your confidence and self-esteem
  • Set and achieve your goals
  • Improve your mental wellbeing and resilience
  • Develop healthy habits and routines
  • Connect with like-minded individuals and join a supportive community


Book Summaries

Get concise and insightful summaries of the best non-fiction books in personal growth, business, and wellness.


Engaging Podcasts

Listen to in-depth discussions and key insights from famous non-fiction works, anytime, anywhere.


Visual Infographics

Enhance your learning experience with beautifully designed infographics that capture the core messages of each book.

Take control of your personal growth

start achieving your dreams today!
Over 20,000 happy book lovers active in our community everyday. Join Wizdom App today and start your journey towards self-improvement and success!


Wizdom is a self-growth app that offers bite-sized book summaries, podcasts, and courses to help you learn and grow every day. With Wizdom, you can access a library of 1500+ summaries and podcasts, personalized challenges, and a community to support your self-growth journey.

Wizdomapp offers a wide range of content, including book summaries, podcasts, courses, and Wizdom Originals (audio documentaries). Our content covers over 10 categories, including productivity, self-growth, leadership, happiness, and more.

Our personalized challenges are designed to help you achieve your goals. Simply choose your goals, and our algorithm will provide you with a customized challenge, such as a 7-Day Peak Productivity Challenge or a 9-Day Healthy Lifestyle Challenge.
Yes, you can download summaries and podcasts for offline listening, making it easy to learn on-the-go.
We add new content daily to ensure you always have access to fresh insights and knowledge.

Yes, we offer a daily free summary from our collection of 1500+ summaries. Simply download the app to get started!