How To Be A Bawse Book Cover

How To Be A Bawse

A Guide to Conquering Life
Book by: Lilly Singh
Publishing Year: 2017
Reading time: Key takeways: Quotes:

What’s inside

Learn how to reclaim your life with this witty, sassy offering of a debutant author. How To Be A Bawse is equal parts motivating and sobering, dynamic and consistent. Lilly Singh, a successful YouTuber, talk show host and comedian, reveals the secret to her popularity and success. This insight will teach you how to become a BAWSE – a self-assured individual who perseveres despite adversity and achieves their goals no matter what. Singh gets candid about her life and her personal mantras when it comes to success, giving us no-nonsense advice about how to hustle hard and fight back against all obstacles in life. In these insights, you’ll learn how to channel your thoughts into being productive, how to push yourself beyond your comfort zone and become a unicorn! This is not about cheap tricks and quick schemes. There isn’t any good luck charm or shortcut to success, but with these insights, and your own hard work, you’re geared to become the Bawse of your life.

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Lesson 1. Make your mind do your bidding

Ever felt like you let other people, or life in general, push you around? Maybe you feel like you aren’t in control of your life: things happen to you whether you want it or not. Starting to press your own buttons is the only way to deter others from doing so. 

What does it mean to "conquer your thoughts"? It entails comprehending why you feel the way you do, what motivates you to take those steps, what triggers particular responses, and what situations lead you to make poor choices. You essentially have the cheat code to your life's game until you've figured out all the ins and outs in your mind. All you have to do now is enter the information, and you'll have access to additional mental weapons, enhanced security, and new passageways.

Lilly says how thinking and feeling, both characteristics absolutely crucial to the human mind, can become a burden if left unchecked. Obviously, these are things that make us human. Our emotions are what makes us human, and without thinking, well, society wouldn’t be possible. But in the modern world, when life is more complex than ever, and everybody needs to fight hard to survive, overdoing either of these things is bad for you. 

Think of life as a video game. If you need to increase your “emotion” stat to level up, then do it! But to spend your valuable time and mental energy on it where it is not needed, that’s a misuse of resources. 

You cannot go through life with exactly one kind of mindset. You have to keep evolving and changing how you think and feel, whenever you’re met with a new situation. Nobody wants you to be a critical prick at a family wedding. Being emotional at your cousin’s wedding is a great idea, but again, not so much at a work presentation. For that, you should focus on being logical and critical.

Lilly talks about being in love with yourself and being secretive. The world around you and your inner self are two entities. For the good of both, these two need not always converge. Keep your strengths and weaknesses to yourself, until you have reason enough to show them to the world. Similarly, the more you work on your inner world, you’ll find out that loving and encouraging yourself will get easier. 

If you don't love and respect yourself, you won't try hard for yourself. If you hate the person who dreamed them, you would not be able to realise them. Offer yourself a smile and genuinely

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How To Be A Bawse Book Cover
Chapter List
  • Lesson 1. Make your mind do your bidding
  • Lesson 2. Don’t take it easy
  • Lesson 3. Let go of inhibitions
  • Lesson 4. Know your game
  • Lesson 5. You are your own Bawse
  • Lesson 6. You are your biggest investment
  • Lesson 7. Having a presence
  • Lesson 8. Say it as you mean it
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In the summary of How To Be A Bawse book, there are 8 key lessons. These lessons include:

  1. Lesson 1. Make your mind do your bidding
  2. Lesson 2. Don’t take it easy
  3. Lesson 3. Let go of inhibitions
  4. Lesson 4. Know your game
  5. Lesson 5. You are your own Bawse
  6. Lesson 6. You are your biggest investment
  7. Lesson 7. Having a presence
  8. Lesson 8. Say it as you mean it

How To Be A Bawse by Lilly Singh was published in 2017.

Once you've completed How To Be A Bawse book, We suggest reading out The New Father as a great follow-up read.

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In the printed version of How To Be A Bawse book have over 300 pages and usually takes 8-10 days to finish. However, with the Wizdom app, including its summary and audiobook, it can be completed in just 15 minutes.

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