Lesson 1. Try not to outshine your boss or your superior.
Impressing your boss is one thing, but try not to steal the limelight.
As weird as this may sound, but trying to always outshine others can sometimes lead to worse situations. This is a proven theory, that all powerful people want to be the center of attention. If you try to rob them of their limelight, things can get messy for you. Always trying to be productive and successful will always shift the focus on you, which is a good thing, but it has its demerits as well. People will become envious and jealous, and your superiors will definitely not appreciate this change. Just keep this in mind the next time you try to outshine someone. There is an incident that can explain this concept even better. Under the rule of King Louis XIV in France, Nicolas Fouquet was the finance minister. Fouquet was loyal, hard-working, and smart. But he was blinded by the power he held. When the Prime Minister died, he was the favourite for the position.
To show the king how influential and powerful he was, and to gain support, he threw a lavish party and invited the king as well.
His plan backfired, and he was arrested by the order of the king, for possession of a suspiciously large amount of wealth. In reality, the King felt overshadowed and outshined, and he decided to get Fouquet arrested.
Therefore, instead of trying to act all influential and powerful, you should always try to make the person in charge look smarter.
This would not only boost his ego, but will also be beneficial for your growth. The person in charge will support you because you have gained his trust.
Lesson 2. Sometimes, it is okay to take “Inspiration” from other people.
Imagine that you have to submit a research paper tomorrow. You haven't even started working on it yet and your mind is absolutely blank. Now what would you do in this scenario? There are so many research papers online, and you know it is morally wrong to copy and take credit for their work. But sometimes, this is the only option you have. If the work is already available for you to use, why waste your time doing it again? You need to learn to utilize this to your advantage. Most people might think this to be wrong, and the truth is that this is not the right thing to do, but you can use this to your
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