8 Powerful Self-Help Books by Women That You Need to Read

Looking for empowering reads by women that will help you level up your life? Here are eight phenomenal self-help books to inspire confidence, creativity, and growth.

8 Powerful Self-Help Books by Women That You Need to Read

Self-help books can be like that wise, non-judgmental friend who tells you, “You got this!” – except you don’t have to buy them coffee. Over the years, women have penned some truly life-changing self-help gems, empowering readers to take charge of their lives, overcome hurdles, and build confidence.

Here’s a look at eight phenomenal self-help books by women, perfect for anyone looking to feel inspired, driven, or just a little bit more in control of this roller-coaster called life.


  1. You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero

Jen Sincero has no time for your self-doubt, and honestly, neither should you. You Are a Badass is a no-nonsense guide to owning your awesomeness, or as Sincero says, “creating a life you totally love.” Whether you’re in a rut, feeling like an imposter, or just need a pep talk, this book is packed with personal anecdotes and humour that make it feel less like a lecture and more like a chat with a super motivational friend. You’ll walk away realising that the only thing stopping you from achieving greatness is that little voice in your head telling you, “Maybe later.”


  1. Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

If you’ve ever had a brilliant idea but did absolutely nothing with it (let’s be honest, we’ve all been there), Big Magic is for you. Elizabeth Gilbert dives into the mysteries of creativity with the ease of someone who’s unlocked all the right doors and windows to let inspiration flow. She talks about fear – how it keeps us from chasing our creative dreams – and encourages readers to “live a creative life” no matter the outcome. Don’t expect a formula to success here; instead, Gilbert gives you permission to create for the sake of creation, even if your masterpiece ends up being a macaroni necklace.


  1. The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin

Gretchen Rubin decided she was tired of feeling like happiness was always just out of reach, so she made a plan: spend a year working on little things that bring more joy. The result is The Happiness Project, a month-by-month guide to rediscovering everyday happiness. Rubin’s approach is methodical, relatable, and at times hilariously honest about her shortcomings. The idea isn’t that you’ll find happiness in some far-off dream but in decluttering your closet, starting a gratitude journal, or finally tackling that 1,000-piece puzzle you’ve been ignoring.


  1. The Confidence Code by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman

If confidence was sold in a jar, we’d all be first in line. Unfortunately, it’s not quite that simple, but Katty Kay and Claire Shipman’s The Confidence Code helps break down why women often struggle with confidence and, more importantly, how to build it. Through science, research, and real-life examples, the authors demonstrate that confidence is less about being perfect and more about being willing to try. It’s all about getting out of your head, letting go of overthinking, and just taking action. If you’ve ever doubted yourself in a meeting or hesitated to speak up, this one’s for you.


  1. Untamed by Glennon Doyle

Untamed is Glennon Doyle’s bold declaration of self-liberation. This book is part memoir, part rallying cry for women to break free from societal expectations and embrace their true, wild selves. Doyle tells her own story of breaking away from the life she thought she was supposed to live and instead choosing love, authenticity, and freedom. It’s raw, empowering, and sprinkled with humour that makes you feel like you’re being let in on some kind of universal secret: it’s okay to want more, to be more, and to demand more from life. If you’ve ever felt caged by expectations, Untamed will help you find the key.


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  1. Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg

Lean In became a cultural phenomenon for a reason. Sheryl Sandberg, the COO of Facebook (now Meta), explores the ways women are often held back in the workplace and how they can lean in to seize leadership roles. Sandberg’s message is clear: gender should not define your potential. But what makes this book stand out is its blend of personal anecdotes and research, making it a thought-provoking read for women in all stages of their careers. The book does come with some controversy, but its core message – about the need for women to speak up, advocate for themselves, and take risks – remains powerful.


  1. The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown

If there were an award for making vulnerability cool, Brené Brown would win it, hands down. The Gifts of Imperfection teaches us that our flaws, weaknesses, and insecurities are what make us human – and lovable. Brown delves into the concept of “wholehearted living,” urging readers to embrace their imperfections and stop pretending to be something they’re not. Vulnerability, she says, is the key to building meaningful relationships and living a fulfilling life. Her insights are grounded in research but delivered with a warmth and relatability that feels like talking to a good friend. The book reminds us that perfection isn’t the goal – showing up as your authentic self is.


  1. Didn’t See That Coming by Rachel Hollis

Rachel Hollis is back with Didn’t See That Coming, a guide for picking yourself up when life knocks you down. Whether you’re facing personal grief, unexpected setbacks, or just a bad Tuesday, Hollis writes with a refreshing mix of realism and encouragement. The book is filled with practical advice on how to handle challenges and grow from them, all while keeping your sense of humour intact. Hollis doesn’t sugarcoat the fact that life can be hard, but she offers hope, reminding readers that resilience is something you can build over time – even if it starts with just getting out of bed and making yourself a decent cup of coffee.


Wrapping It All Up With a Little Wizdom

Now, if you’re like me and sometimes struggle to get through all the amazing self-help books out there (hello, busy schedules and shiny distractions), there’s an app that might be just what you need.

Enter the Wizdom app – a nifty tool that gives you bite-sized summaries of the best self-help books out there. It’s perfect for when you want to absorb life-changing lessons without spending weeks on each book. Whether you’re on the go or just need a refresher, Wizdom’s got your back with quick, digestible insights. Go ahead, download it, and start working on that badass version of yourself today!


In the end, whether you’re conquering your fears, leaning into your career, or just figuring out how to embrace your imperfections, these eight books have got you covered. Happy reading!

Zia Hawwa

Zia Hawwa

Currently pursuing a Degree in Criminology, Zia’s passions lie in the world of literature and the human psyche. She loves what the world has to offer, and is always on the journey of satisfying her curiosity.

Published on: 14 October 2024 by Zia Hawwa

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