The 11 Outstanding Depression Quotes

Depression can feel isolating, but the right words can offer comfort. Here are 11 powerful quotes on depression to remind you you’re not alone.

The 11 Outstanding Depression Quotes

Depression isn’t an easy journey, and sometimes, finding the right words can be even harder. Whether you’re trying to understand your own feelings or want to support someone else, quotes can offer a kind of solace. They don’t solve everything, but they can feel like a gentle hand on your shoulder, reminding you that you’re not alone. In this blog post, we’ve compiled some quotes that express the raw emotions of depression, the struggles, and the resilience that many people find within themselves. And don’t worry, we’ve sprinkled in a few uplifting words and even a bit of humour here and there – because if there’s one thing we need when we’re feeling low, it’s a reason to smile.


Depression is often misunderstood. It’s not simply feeling sad or having a bad day; it’s a heavy, sometimes invisible burden that can weigh on someone for months or years. For many, putting those feelings into words seems impossible. Thankfully, writers, poets, and even some unexpected public figures have shared thoughts that resonate deeply with the experience of depression. These quotes can help articulate those feelings when words fail us, offering validation and a bit of perspective.


Let’s start with a few quotes that capture the essence of depression:

  1. I am in that temper that if I were under water I would scarcely kick to come to the top.” – John Keats

When John Keats wrote this, he must have been speaking for anyone who’s ever felt the deep exhaustion that comes with depression. It’s not about not wanting to swim – it’s about feeling like you just can’t anymore. A good metaphor if you’ve ever tried to explain that kind of weariness to someone who thinks “cheering up” is an option.

quote i am in that temper that if i were under water i would scarcely kick to come to the john keats 15 45 59


  1. You say you’re ‘depressed’ – all I see is resilience. You are allowed to feel messed up and inside out. It doesn’t mean you’re defective – it just means you’re human.” – David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas

David Mitchell knows what’s up. There’s something powerful about reframing depression not as a personal failure, but as part of the human experience. We all get a little “messed up and inside out” sometimes – it’s just proof that you’re doing the hard work of living.


  1. One of the most healing things you can do is recognize where in your life you are your own poison.” – Steve Maraboli

Depression can often feel like a loop, a cycle of self-doubt and negativity. Steve Maraboli’s words are a gentle reminder to look within and see where we might be unintentionally contributing to our own struggles. It’s not about blaming yourself – it’s about empowerment. Recognizing the patterns can be the first step toward change.


  1. Even for me life had its gleams of sunshine.” – Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre

Brontë’s words give us a small but essential reminder: moments of light can and will come, even when they seem far off. It’s okay if they’re rare right now – the important thing is that they do exist, and they’ll come back again.


  1. Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” – John Wooden

Depression often makes us focus on what’s impossible. This quote is a reminder that even small accomplishments matter. Can’t get out of bed today? Maybe tomorrow you can. But even if you can only move an inch today, that’s still progress.


A Look at Humor in the Midst of Darkness

Now, humour and depression may seem like an odd mix. But sometimes a touch of humour is what helps us survive the darkest moments. It’s that dry wit, that sarcastic comment, that gives us just a glimmer of something different – something less heavy. Here are a few quotes that bring a smile while understanding the struggle:


  1. I’ll be okay. Just not today.” – Unknown

If this isn’t the most honest thing to say when someone asks how you’re doing, I don’t know what is. Sometimes, all you can manage is letting people know that “okay” is a work in progress. And that’s perfectly valid.


  1. My depression is the most faithful mistress I have known – no wonder, then, that I return the love.” – Søren Kierkegaard

Kierkegaard, being the philosopher he was, captured depression’s strangely intimate nature. It clings to you, sometimes almost comforting in its familiarity. And while you certainly don’t have to love it, there’s something to be said for acknowledging its relentless, albeit unwelcome, presence.

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  1. If you’re going through hell, keep going.” – Winston Churchill

Churchill knew a thing or two about dark times. This quote is often used as motivation, but there’s a subtle humour in it, too – a kind of “Well, what else are you going to do?” attitude that can be oddly reassuring. You might as well keep moving because, frankly, it can’t get much worse.


Quotes for Resilience and Hope

While it’s important to validate the tough moments, we also need reminders that resilience is possible. Depression doesn’t define you; it’s a part of your story, but not the whole book. Here are some quotes that inspire resilience:


  1. Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.” – Helen Keller

Helen Keller’s life was filled with challenges, and yet she saw the beauty in overcoming them. Depression can feel insurmountable, but Keller’s words remind us that the human spirit is resilient beyond measure.


  1. “This, too, shall pass.” – Persian Proverb

Sometimes, simple is best. It’s a cliché, sure, but sometimes clichés are comforting for a reason. No matter how permanent it feels, the darkness will lift eventually, if even just a little.


  1. What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Emerson’s words are a gentle reminder that no matter how daunting the past or future seems, our strength and capacity for survival are greater than we realise. Depression likes to tell us otherwise, but deep down, we are more powerful than we know.

Other depression related quotes

The Wizdom App

Now, let’s talk about something that might make your journey a tad easier. We know reading quotes can be uplifting, but what if you could take that a step further with practical wisdom? That’s where the Wizdom app comes in.


The Wizdom app offers bite-sized summaries of some of the best self-help books out there. Whether you’re struggling with your mental health, want to build better habits, or need a little inspiration to get through the day, Wizdom has a library of insights to help guide you. Imagine having a pocket-sized mentor who’s always ready with advice, encouragement, or just the right words to make sense of things.


Plus, since we all know how hard it can be to focus when you’re feeling low, Wizdom’s summaries make it easy to get the key points of a book without the overwhelm. Even on days when you can’t manage a whole chapter, you can still grab a nugget of wisdom that might just make a difference.


So, if you’re looking for some company on those hard days – something besides motivational posters or cat memes (though those are great too) – give Wizdom a try. It won’t replace therapy, but it might give you a little bit of extra support, and sometimes, that’s all we need to keep going.


Depression is complicated, and everyone’s journey is unique. Sometimes, it’s about getting through the day, and sometimes, it’s about finding a way to thrive. Wherever you are right now, know that you’re not alone. The words of others can help us understand our struggles, validate our pain, and remind us of our strength. We hope these quotes bring you some comfort or, at the very least, make you feel seen.


And remember: even in the darkest moments, there’s always someone who’s felt the same way and has found the words to share it. Hold on to those words, and keep moving forward – one step at a time.

Zia Hawwa

Zia Hawwa

Currently pursuing a Degree in Criminology, Zia’s passions lie in the world of literature and the human psyche. She loves what the world has to offer, and is always on the journey of satisfying her curiosity.

Published on: 05 October 2024 by Zia Hawwa

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