Discipline equals Freedom Book Cover

Discipline equals Freedom

Field Manual
Book by: Jocko Willink

Brief summary

In order to achieve goals, the most important tool we can utilize is discipline. It is only when discipline is exercised in all sections of our life, and our mind and body are under our control, that we can get freedom. An individual should take actions in order to inculcate discipline in life. This book offers a motivational boost, along with a list of practices, which you can include in your daily lives to instill discipline.

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Lesson 1. Answering what, why, when, and how.

Finding easier routes and looking for shortcuts cannot help you achieve what you dream of. You might feel that your goal is nearer, but that’s a myth. If your goal is to be smarter, stronger, better, healthier, or faster, you need to be disciplined. Discipline is the key to achieving all your ambitions. It acts like a driving force, and keeps motivating you to work harder. The importance of discipline can be explained using an analogy of soldiers preparing for war. It is imperative for soldiers to train with utmost discipline. This is primarily because they know that the person they will face during war will be trained equally, and even a single small wrong move can lead to death. Thus, discipline has the capacity to cause death or grant freedom. What matters is how we use it.   

Real discipline cannot be forced upon an individual, it comes from within. Things can be mandated so that people become more disciplined, but unless and until a person wants to be meticulous, forced discipline won’t help much. Discipline is a powerful tool, which can do wonders for those who embrace it. 

There are people who want to become more disciplined in life, but they don’t know where to start. If you are one of them, you’ll be surprised to know that discipline can be implemented at any moment. The most important step is to stop thinking and start executing. Taking the first stride towards your goal is the most difficult and crucial step. Most of us keep procrastinating and wait for the right moment to start practising discipline. All we need to do is go after it, then and there.

Lesson 2. Focus on what you can control.

People idolize industry experts and unnecessarily fuss about their behaviour, in fear of making wrong decisions. What they fail to understand is that the only person they can have a control over is oneself. Admiring people is not wrong, but one needs to understand that it is impossible and unnecessary to be exactly like their idol. It is important to learn from the success of one’s idol, but it is equally important to learn from their mistakes. Change can take place in the smallest possible ways, starting from waking up early. It’s all about controlling your own mind and trying to take action for what you want to accomplish. Don’t let the mind control you, instead, control your mind.

None of us are perfect. We all have weaknesses. But

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Famous quotes from Discipline equals Freedom

  1. “Don’t expect to be motivated every day to get out there and make things happen. You won’t be. Don’t count on motivation. Count on Discipline.”
  2. -Jocko Willink
  3. “Don’t let your mind control you. Control your mind.”
  4. -Jocko Willink
  5. “NO MORE. No more excuses. No more: “I’ll start tomorrow.” No more: “Just this once.” No more accepting the shortfalls of my own will. No more taking the easy road. No more bowing down to whatever unhealthy or unproductive thoughts float through my mind.”
  6. -Jocko Willink
  7. “Stop researching every aspect of it and reading all about it and debating the pros and cons of it … Start doing it.”
  8. -Jocko Willink
  9. “Faster. Stronger. Smarter. More humble. Less ego.”
  10. -Jocko Willink
  11. “With myself, I have to hold the line. There are areas within myself where I CANNOT compromise. I am going to work hard. I am going to train hard. I am going to improve myself. I am not going to rest on my laurels. I am going to own my mistakes and confront them. I am going to face my demons. I’m not going to give up, or give out, or give in. I’m going to stand. I am going to maintain my self-discipline. And on those points there will be No Compromise. NOT NOW.  NOT EVER.”
  12. -Jocko Willink
  13. “With myself, I have to hold the line. There are areas within myself where I CANNOT compromise. I am going to work hard. I am going to train hard. I am going to improve myself. I am not going to rest on my laurels. I am going to own my mistakes and confront them. I am going to face my demons. I’m not going to give up, or give out, or give in. I’m going to stand. I am going to maintain my self-discipline. And on those points there will be No Compromise. NOT NOW.  NOT EVER.”
  14. -Jocko Willink
  15. “Because emotion and logic will both reach their limitations. And when one fails, you need to rely on the other. When it just doesn’t make any logical sense to go on, that’s when you use your emotion, your anger, your frustration, your fear, to push further, to push you to say one thing: I don’t stop.”
  16. -Jocko Willink
  17. “You have to BE VIGILANT. You have to be ON GUARD. You have to HOLD THE LINE on the seemingly insignificant little things— things that shouldn’t matter—but that do.”
  18. -Jocko Willink
  19. “Humans can withstand almost inconceivable stress—and you can too. So that is your first step: Gain perspective. And to do that you must do something critical in many situations: Detach. Whatever problems or stress you are experiencing, detach from them. Stress is generally caused by what you can’t control.”
  20. -Jocko Willink
  21. “That’s it. When things are going bad: Don’t get all bummed out, don’t get startled, don’t get frustrated. No. Just look at the issue and say: “Good.”
  22. -Jocko Willink
  23. “So. Let us cry no more. Let us mourn no more. Let us remember—but let us not dwell … Instead: Let us laugh and love and let us embrace and venerate everything that life is and every opportunity it gives us. Let us LIVE—for those WHO live no more. Let us live to honor them.”
  24. -Jocko Willink
  25. “Now is the time for strength. And through strength— and through will— and through unwavering discipline— I will become what I want to be. I will become who I want to be. And then—and only then—will I rest and say: No more.”
  26. -Jocko Willink
  27. “Those donuts aren’t food. THEY ARE POISON. Same with the chocolate chip cookies, the double Dutch chocolate cake, the can of soda, the bag of potato chips, and the pretzel-wrapped hot dogs. All that junk isn’t food. It doesn’t fuel you. It kills you. It literally kills you. It isn’t going to make you stronger, faster, healthier, smarter, or better. It’s going to do the opposite.”
  28. -Jocko Willink
  29. “People are not who you want them to be. Kill your idols. Sure there are things we can learn from people—but people aren’t going to be what you think they are—what they should be. People, even those people you have put up on a pedestal, are going to be faulted, weak, egomaniacal, condescending. They are going to be lazy, entitled, shortsighted. They will not be perfect. Far from it. That’s fine. Learn from their weaknesses. Of course: Learn from their strengths and mimic and copy them in what they do well. But equally as important: Learn from their faults.”
  30. -Jocko Willink
  31. “If the stress is something you can’t control: Embrace it. You can’t control it, but— How can you look at it from a different angle? How can you use it to your advantage? I couldn’t control the chaos of combat. I had to embrace it. I had to figure out a way to take advantage of it. Make it into your ally.”
  32. -Jocko Willink
  33. “Don’t fight stress. Embrace it. Turn it on itself. Use it to make yourself sharper and more alert. Use it to make you think and learn and get better and smarter and more effective. Use the stress to make you a better you.”
  34. -Jocko Willink
  35. “When your feelings are screaming that you have had enough, when you think you are going to break emotionally, override that emotion with concrete logic and willpower that says one thing: I don’t stop. Fight weak emotions with the power of logic; fight the weakness of logic with the power of emotion.”
  36. -Jocko Willink
  37. “Another mission. Another task. Another goal. And the enemy is always watching. Waiting. Looking for that moment of weakness. Looking for you to exhale, set your weapon down, and close your eyes, even just for a moment. And that’s when they attack. So don’t be finished.”
  38. -Jocko Willink
  39. “Question yourself every day. Ask yourself: Who am I? What have I learned? What have I created? What forward progress have I made? Who have I helped? What am I doing to improve myself—today? To get better, faster, stronger, healthier, smarter?”
  40. -Jocko Willink
  41. “Is this what I want to be? This? Is this all I’ve got—is this everything I can give? Is this going to be my life? Do I accept that?”
  42. -Jocko Willink
  43. “The people who are successful decide they are going to be successful. They make that choice. And they make other choices. They decide to study hard. They decide to work hard. They decide to be the first person to get to work and the last to go home. They decide they are going to take on the hard jobs. Take on the challenges. They decide they are going to lead when no one else will.”
  44. -Jocko Willink
  46. -Jocko Willink
  47. “Live in defiance of the weakness and in rebellion against the decay.”
  48. -Jocko Willink
  49. “There is only hard work, late nights, early mornings, practice, rehearsal, repetition, study, sweat, blood, toil, frustration, and discipline.”
  50. -Jocko Willink
  51. “The Darkness cannot extinguish your light. Your WILL. Your determination. No matter what is happening—no matter how hard the fight is. As long as you keep fighting—you win.”
  52. -Jocko Willink
  53. “Get creative. Get aggressive. Get it done. When you are on the road, STAY ON THE PATH.”
  54. -Jocko Willink
  55. “Don’t just think. Don’t just talk. Don’t just dream. None of that matters. The only thing that matters is that you actually do. So: DO.”
  56. -Jocko Willink
  57. “Fear is normal. Every person feels fear at some point. Step aggressively toward to your fear – that is the step into bravery.”
  58. -Jocko Willink
  59. “You have to do the work. You have to hold the line. You have to make it happen.”
  60. -Jocko Willink
  61. ”Most of us aren’t defeated in one decisive battle. We are defeated one tiny, seemingly insignificant surrender at a time that chips away at who we should really be.”
  62. -Jocko Willink
  63. “But my glory, it doesn’t happen in front of a crowd. It doesn’t happen in a stadium or on a stage. There are no medals handed out. It happens in the darkness of the early morning. In solitude. Where I try. And I try. And I try again. With everything I have, to be the best that I can possibly be.”
  64. -Jocko Willink
  65. “Everyone wants some magic pill—some life hack—that eliminates the need to do the work. But that does not exist.”
  66. -Jocko Willink
  67. “Overconfidence was risky in such a hostile environment, a mistake most often made by warriors who had never truly been tested.”
  68. -Jocko Willink
  69. “Get up. Dust off. Reload. Re-calibrate. Re-engage – And go out on the attack.”
  70. -Jocko Willink
  71. “When you think you can’t take any more… guess what? You can – It’s PROVEN by the stories of ORDINARY PEOPLE in war.”
  72. -Jocko Willink
  73. “How do you become better? There is only one way – The way of discipline.”
  74. -Jocko Willink
  75. “Good leaders don’t make excuses. Instead, they figure out a way to get things done.”
  76. -Jocko Willink
  77. “The leader is truly and ultimately responsible for everything.”
  78. -Jocko Willink
  79. “Once the wheels were in motion and the full resources of the team were engaged in that highest priority effort, I could then determine the next priority, focus the team’s efforts there, and then move on to the next priority.”
  80. -Jocko Willink
  81. “Extreme ownership. Leaders must own everything in their world. There is no one else to blame.”
  82. -Jocko Willink
  83. “To implement real change, to drive people to accomplish something truly complex or difficult or dangerous — you can’t make people do these things. You have to lead them.”
  84. -Jocko Willink
  85. “The goal of all leaders should be to work themselves out of a job. When mentored and coached properly, the junior leader can eventually replace the senior leader, allowing the senior leader to move on to the next level of leadership.”
  86. -Jocko Willink

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About the author

Jocko Willink Image

Jocko Willink was a Navy SEAL for 20 years, rising through the ranks to become the commander of Task Unit Bruiser. After retiring, Jocko co-founded Echelon Front, a multi-million-dollar leadership and management consulting company, and created one of the to...

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Published Year: 2017
390 Views Reading time: Quotes:
Discipline equals Freedom Book Cover
Chapter List
  • Lesson 1. Answering what, why, when, and how.
  • Lesson 2. Focus on what you can control.
  • Lesson 3. The zeal to not give up.
  • Lesson 4. Responsibility and preparedness.
  • Lesson 5. Obstacles that can stop you. 
  • Lesson 6. Learning from all situations.
  • Lesson 7. Taking small steps. 
  • Lesson 8. Rest, Recover, and Rebuild. 
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In the summary of Discipline equals Freedom book, there are 8 key lessons. These lessons include:

  1. Lesson 1. Answering what, why, when, and how.
  2. Lesson 2. Focus on what you can control.
  3. Lesson 3. The zeal to not give up.
  4. Lesson 4. Responsibility and preparedness.
  5. Lesson 5. Obstacles that can stop you. 
  6. Lesson 6. Learning from all situations.
  7. Lesson 7. Taking small steps. 
  8. Lesson 8. Rest, Recover, and Rebuild. 

Discipline equals Freedom by Jocko Willink was published in 2017.

Once you've completed Discipline equals Freedom book, We suggest reading out Dude, You’re Gonna Be a Dad! as a great follow-up read.

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In the printed version of Discipline equals Freedom book have over 300 pages and usually takes 8-10 days to finish. However, with the Wizdom app, including its summary and audiobook, it can be completed in just 15 minutes.

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