Lesson 1. Answering what, why, when, and how.
Finding easier routes and looking for shortcuts cannot help you achieve what you dream of. You might feel that your goal is nearer, but that’s a myth. If your goal is to be smarter, stronger, better, healthier, or faster, you need to be disciplined. Discipline is the key to achieving all your ambitions. It acts like a driving force, and keeps motivating you to work harder. The importance of discipline can be explained using an analogy of soldiers preparing for war. It is imperative for soldiers to train with utmost discipline. This is primarily because they know that the person they will face during war will be trained equally, and even a single small wrong move can lead to death. Thus, discipline has the capacity to cause death or grant freedom. What matters is how we use it.
Real discipline cannot be forced upon an individual, it comes from within. Things can be mandated so that people become more disciplined, but unless and until a person wants to be meticulous, forced discipline won’t help much. Discipline is a powerful tool, which can do wonders for those who embrace it.
There are people who want to become more disciplined in life, but they don’t know where to start. If you are one of them, you’ll be surprised to know that discipline can be implemented at any moment. The most important step is to stop thinking and start executing. Taking the first stride towards your goal is the most difficult and crucial step. Most of us keep procrastinating and wait for the right moment to start practising discipline. All we need to do is go after it, then and there.
Lesson 2. Focus on what you can control.
People idolize industry experts and unnecessarily fuss about their behaviour, in fear of making wrong decisions. What they fail to understand is that the only person they can have a control over is oneself. Admiring people is not wrong, but one needs to understand that it is impossible and unnecessary to be exactly like their idol. It is important to learn from the success of one’s idol, but it is equally important to learn from their mistakes. Change can take place in the smallest possible ways, starting from waking up early. It’s all about controlling your own mind and trying to take action for what you want to accomplish. Don’t let the mind control you, instead, control your mind.
None of us are perfect. We all have weaknesses. But
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