Lesson 1. Reading our minds.
Although the concept of overthinking has been the talk of the town, most people have a misguided perception about it. Overthinking does not imply the thought process which goes behind major life decisions. Rather, it refers to those times when we utilize our limited mental energy on menial things which do not deserve so much attention. The form of overthinking might be diverse on different occasions; it can seem like worry or agony or second-guessing amongst others. Even though no one aspires to be an overthinker, it seems like most of us do not have a choice. However, this might not necessarily be true.
It has been observed that overthinking afflicts women more than men. Validation for this comes from the brain imaging of women which shows more activity in the focus and impulse control parts of the brain as compared to men. This does not mean that men cannot be a victim of overthinking. It just puts women at a greater risk for being anxious or depressed, and the problem is only getting worse.
Overthinking may seem like an effortless process for most of us, primarily because we are too immersed in it subconsciously. And by the time we realise that we are digging our own grave, we would have already dug deep enough to find an escape from it. For such overthinkers, it might seem impossible to change their thought process. But by merely believing that one can change, one quarter of the battle against overthinking is won. Such a change in outlook towards life, followed by persistent use of meek yet vital strategies can do wonders for troubled overthinkers. The key is to understand that things which appear tough will not stay hard forever.
Lesson 2. Analysis Paralysis and Decision Making.
The problem of overthinking may not remain limited to excessive thinking. There might be other complications. Analysis paralysis is a condition caused due to extreme overthinking. A person who suffers from this thinks to such an extent that it leads to indecisiveness. The basic problem in such cases lies in the way a situation is approached. And if left unnoticed, the problem goes on deepening its roots, and it becomes almost impossible to find a way out of it. Its effect varies from person to person. People who are perfectionists or curious, and aspire to seek more information or get overwhelmed with information, are more likely to suffer from this phenomena. The reason behind these connections is that people who strive for more knowledge and try to look out for more options end up
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