Lesson 1. Responding to the call that excites your spirit.
In this era of hi-tech gadgets and endless mediums of instant communications, we are given the potential to connect with each other via so many means yet we are fumbling to connect. We are so isolated that we have even lost touch with our purpose in life.
As one starts the book, the author himself respectfully asks, who will cry when you die? The answer to this question depends completely on you. It depends on how many lives you were able to touch while you are given the privilege of walking on this planet. It depends on the impact your life is going to have on the generations that are going to follow you. It depends on the legacy you are going to leave behind after you have taken your last breath.
Sharma shares one of the precious lessons that he has learned from life - if you are not acting right in your life it will acquire the habit of life acting on you. The time flies by so fast that soon enough it is all going to be over. So, don’t fill your hearts with regrets over a half-lived life. Find your one quality where you excel, and engage in a worthy pursuit. But this doesn’t mean leaving your job. Rather, bring your best quality to your job. Stop waiting for other people to make the changes that you desire.
Don’t buy into the myth that your thoughts are beyond your control. They do not enter your mind automatically and do whatever they do. We are the architects of our thoughts and hence, we can change them, if we want to. Just like your thoughts you are also the architects of your moods. You can change them in a single instant, in a blink. If you choose to do so, you will be provided with the peace you were looking for in a moment of stress. Be more than your moods.
Lesson 2. Acceptance and forgiveness.
Using this book as a medium, Robin Sharma tells his readers to be nice to everyone. Every person who enters our life has a lesson to teach. Be more compassionate to each other. And most importantly, if you treat everyone nicely, they are going to reciprocate. Be the first one to say hello or offer your seat to someone in need in the subway.
Keep in mind that you are stealing from your future if you keep on dwelling on your past. If you continue to focus on problems, you are making yourself blind
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