Deep Work Book Cover

Deep Work

Rules of Focused Success in a Distracted World
Book by: Cal Newport
Publishing Year: 2016
Reading time: Quotes:

What’s inside

In this book, Cal Newport explains how due to today’s work culture, a very effective and potent skill is fast disappearing – that of working with utmost focus and concentration, on something demanding. This is the skill of deep work, which is bound to provide you with outstanding results. Instead of complaining about the culture of distraction, Newport discusses at length about the power and benefits of deep work. In a world where most of us are trying to deal with social media addiction, and exhausting work schedules, this is a must-read for everyone!

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Lesson 1. What is deep work?

Deep work refers to a concentrated and immersive manner of doing work. It heightens your productivity, and makes you accomplish a lot more in a short span. 

It has several benefits. The quality of work you’ll be producing will be of a much higher quality, and you won’t have to work for longer hours. 

Deep work requires intense focus and concentration. You should get rid of all kinds of distractions if you want to enter this phase. 

However, you need practice and effort to master deep work. You won’t be able to achieve an absolute level of immersion at one go.

The work culture in today’s world is demanding. We are expected to devote a large chunk of our time to our work. We have to respond to emails and calls throughout the day, and in the midst of all that, we’ve to churn out satisfactory performances in our respective fields. 

This need for constant investment hardly leaves any room for deep work, which requires you to work in a focused manner for a short span. However, if you manage to practise it, the rewards will be aplenty. Your performance and quality of work will improve drastically.

Lesson 2. The perils of today’s work culture.

Today’s work culture is designed in such a way that you have to multitask all the time. You simply can’t devote your entire attention in one area of work. You have to reply to your boss’ emails even while you’re busy working, or else you might invite their ire. 

In fact, a 2012 study has found that the average office worker spends 60 percent of the workweek using online modes of communication and browsing the internet, while only 30 percent goes into actually reading and replying to emails. 

Employees are expected to perform multiple tasks at the same time, like replying to emails while creating a presentation. This culture of multitasking keeps them distracted all the time. On top of that, there is the additional menace of social media, which is specifically designed to distract you and get you hooked. 

Social media presence is another demand at workplaces nowadays. Facebook and Instagram have now become avenues for companies to build their brand image. Employees therefore have to tweet and post updates, alongside performing their regular work, in order to remain connected with consumers. 

Simply put, there is absolutely no scope for immersing yourself in a particular area of work, and getting it done with full concentration. Rather, what is encouraged is getting distracted

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About the author

Cal Newport Image

Cal Newport, Ph.D., is a writer and an assistant professor of computer science at Georgetown University. He is the author of SO GOOD THEY CAN’T IGNORE YOU and three books of unconventional student advice. He runs the popular website Study Hacks: Decod...

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Deep Work Book Cover
Chapter List
  • Lesson 1. What is deep work?
  • Lesson 2. The perils of today’s work culture.
  • Lesson 3. Benefit of deep work, and how it functions.
  • Lesson 4. A few approaches to deep work.
  • Lesson 5. Ways to increase concentration levels.
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In the summary of Deep Work book, there are 5 key lessons. These lessons include:

  1. Lesson 1. What is deep work?
  2. Lesson 2. The perils of today’s work culture.
  3. Lesson 3. Benefit of deep work, and how it functions.
  4. Lesson 4. A few approaches to deep work.
  5. Lesson 5. Ways to increase concentration levels.

Deep Work by Cal Newport was published in 2016.

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In the printed version of Deep Work book have over 300 pages and usually takes 8-10 days to finish. However, with the Wizdom app, including its summary and audiobook, it can be completed in just 15 minutes.

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