Unfuck Yourself Book Cover

Unfuck Yourself

Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Life

Brief summary

Life is always influenced by a lot of factors. When it comes to sticking to your principles and enhancing your lifestyle, you need to tell yourself what is good for you. You need to understand that your body does what you ask it to do. Therefore, this insight is a guide that takes you through multiple areas where you might need to convince yourself that you can do this. Tell yourself that you have to do this, and you will be able to finish the task. You have to live with your achievements, so make sure that you achieve what you desire.

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Lesson 1. Do you feel defeated?

Life is hard for a lot of people. There are multiple external factors that affect your productivity. It could be your office, your relationship, your finances, and many more. Whenever something is not going well in your life, you feel defeated. But this becomes a problem when what belittles you is you, yourself. People judge you, and that is their work, but everything goes downhill when you start judging yourself. This internalized action of constantly feeling disgusted at yourself, or feeling as if you can only fail, is the worst enemy you can make. To put it simply, a lot of people resort to self-hate or demean themselves upon not achieving what they desire in life. These actions degrade you as a person, and you keep going farther away from your goal. 

If you feel something close to the following emotions, you are defeating yourself:

  1. You tell yourself that you are lazy, or not good enough.
  2. You keep working and never reach a result you are satisfied with.
  3. You are in a spiral of doubts about yourself and your abilities. 
  4. You are in a constant conflict with your mind.

All these emotions are just holding you back. They make you feel as if you are a hamster in a rotating wheel where your destination is visible, but you can’t reach it. If you have felt any of these, then you have to stop progressing in the path you have been in for a long time. This helplessness, is a symbol of the universe where it is asking you to control your self-defeating syndrome. 

You need not stop talking to yourself but try to talk to yourself in a manner that is not demeaning. This insight will guide you through the process of what you have to do in order to change the way you talk to yourself.

Lesson 2. Talking to yourself? Is it Sane?

People might consider the act of talking good to oneself a little strange. But it works the other way round. You are strange if you don’t talk to yourself. Talking to oneself doesn’t mean that you will look into the mirror and say, “I am the prettiest being in this universe”. You can definitely do this, but that is not the self-love this insight will be talking about. The self-talk from this insight increases the quality of your life and not your narcissism. 

The connection between how you talk to yourself and your life is essential.

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Famous quotes from Unfuck Yourself

  1. The language you use to describe your circumstances determines how you see, experience and participate in them and dramatically affect how you deal with your life and confront problems both big and small.
  2. -Gary John Bishop
  3. Negative self-talk can not only put us in a bad mood, it can leave us feeling helpless. It can make small problems seem bigger – and even create problems where none existed before. Here’s the breaking news, your self-talk is fucking you over and in ways you can’t even begin to imagine
  4. -Gary John Bishop
  5. The more you tell yourself how hard something is, the harder it will actually seem
  6. -Gary John Bishop
  7. If you’re sometimes talking about how ‘unfair’ life is, you’ll start to act according to that view, perceiving slights where none exist or, as studies have shown, putting less effort into your work because you’ve already determined it won’t accomplish anything. The unfair view will quickly become your reality
  8. -Gary John Bishop
  9. It’s entirely within our power to determine how we think about and talk about our problems. They can be a nuisance or a stepping stone. They can hold us down or lift us up.
  10. -Gary John Bishop
  11. People spend their lives waiting for the cavalry, all the while never realizing they are the cavalry. Your life is waiting on you to finally show up.
  12. -Gary John Bishop
  13. We can determine our emotions by steering our thoughts. We can shape those thoughts by being conscious of and diligent about our words and the kind of language we engage in. A lot of this will come down to your basic tolerance of your current mindset and your willingness to change it.
  14. -Gary John Bishop
  15. No matter how difficult, challenging, or pressing life’s circumstances can be, how you fundamentally relate to and engage with those circumstances will have the biggest say in how they turn out. Again, the answer is inside you rather than outside you.
  16. -Gary John Bishop
  17. How we talk, think about, and therefore perceive our surroundings is the very foundation for our reality. Create the reality you want to live in by beginning the process of having the kind of conversations, (with yourself and others), that actually shape that reality. A simple way that I re-frame my own everyday ‘problems’ is by relating to them as opportunities. They instantly become items in my life that I use to educate and expand myself. I become curious and engaged with them rather than my usual default annoyed and frustrated self!
  18. -Gary John Bishop
  19. The physiological and psychological impact of using in-the-moment, assertive language is not only powerful, it has a very real in-the-moment effect. There’s a massive difference between, ‘I am relentless’ and, ‘I will be relentless’. One of those statements intervenes in this moment of your life, the other lives more like a description of what’s to come rather than what’s here. All of this will require you to try out assertive speaking in your daily life and catch yourself when you’re using the more general narrative kind of speaking
  20. -Gary John Bishop
  21. There is no greater knowledge than the knowledge you have verified for yourself, in your own experience.
  22. -Gary John Bishop
  23. Stop blaming luck. Stop blaming other people. Stop pointing to outside influences or circumstances
  24. -Gary John Bishop
  25. 'If you’re not willing to take the actions to change your situation – in other words, if you’re willing to put up with your situation – then whether you like it or not, that is the life you have chosen.
  26. -Gary John Bishop
  27. The true measure of who you are won’t be found in your circumstances but rather the way in which you respond to them.
  28. -Gary John Bishop
  29. You must first accept that while there are things have happened in your life that you had no say in, you are 100% responsible for what you do with your life in the aftermath of those events. Always, every time, no excuses.
  30. -Gary John Bishop
  31. willingness is missing in your life. Not some wispy,sheepish willingness but rather a bold willingness, the kind of willing state where you are ready for what’s next and ready to act on it. Willingness to change, willingness to let go, willingness to accept. Real, magical, inspired willingness.
  32. -Gary John Bishop
  33. Either you control your destiny, or your destiny will control you. Life won’t stop for your pauses and procrastinations. It won’t stop for your confusion or fear. It will continue right along without you. Whether you play an active part or not, the show will go on.
  34. -Gary John Bishop
  35. Are you willing to stop living the life you have and start living the life you’re after? It ALL begins with the emergence of willingness, that liquid,constantly expanding and contracting state where life springs and cedes—and all of it is within you at the flick of a linguistic switch
  36. -Gary John Bishop
  37. We often view ourselves as procrastinators or lazy or unmotivated. When in reality, we’re simply unwilling. We put things off or avoid them completely because we tell ourselves we just don’t want to do it or that we can’t do it.
  38. -Gary John Bishop
  39. Where the willingness is great, the difficulties cannot be great
  40. -Gary John Bishop
  41. It does not matter what you’re facing in life, which obstacle you’re trying to overcome – if you are willing to generate that state of willingness, that’s your doorway to making the effort, taking the steps, dealing with the setbacks, and ultimately creating the progress and change in your life that you’re seeking.That’s why such a simple statement – ‘I am willing’ – is so profound. You become enlivened and empowered by its promise, open to its allure. I ask again: are you willing?
  42. -Gary John Bishop
  43. Are you willing to find a new job? Yes. ‘I am willing.’ Are you willing to stay in a job you hate? No. ‘I am unwilling’.Both assertions can be just as effective. It’s up to you to determine which one fits your persona and situation. Which one 'does it' for you?
  44. -Gary John Bishop
  45. 'If you really want those things [nice car, clothes, body etc], then go get them! Begin today, lay out your strategy, deal with your reality and, most importantly, take the actions required and take them often! But if you’re not willing to work an extra 10 or 20 hours a week just to drive to work in a BMW instead of a Honda, give up the complete waste of precious headspace to yearn for it. Stop pretending to yourself. Deal with your unwillingness to take on the kind of actions accomplishing those things would require and accept that you have been bullshitting yourself. You’ll have a lot more capacity for loving the life you actually do have and create some room to begin striving for the things you actually want in life.
  46. -Gary John Bishop
  47. Most of the time, the task we’re actually facing is a lot simpler than we think it is. The problem is, we usually don’t take the time to really look at it. Some of the things we face certainly can be challenging, but at the same time what’s on the other side of those challenges is a life of our dreams.
  48. -Gary John Bishop
  49. Ask yourself ‘am I willing?’ over and over until you can hear it, first thing in the morning, last thing at night, while you’re driving, while in the shower, ‘Am I willing?’ Ask, ask, ask until a resounding YES echoes through your consciousness. I AM WILLING! I ask you again, ‘Are you willing?’
  50. -Gary John Bishop
  51. Our thoughts are so powerful that they are constantly pushing you toward your goals, even when you don’t realize what those goals actually are! Your brain is wired to win
  52. -Gary John Bishop
  53. The path you follow through life is the one dictated by your deepest, most inconspicuous thoughts. Your brain is constantly pushing you along that path,whether it’s the one you would consciously choose to take or not.
  54. -Gary John Bishop
  55. Believe it or not, it’s not necessarily any harder to make $60k than it is $30k.You may think it is, but that’s not an absolute
  56. -Gary John Bishop
  57. If you’re struggling to get work done, perhaps you believe that you’re incapable or lazy. You prove that idea every single time you pause or procrastinate. You’re proving to yourself and others that you really are that person.'
  58. -Gary John Bishop
  59. The Stoic philosopher Seneca once said, ‘It is the power of the mind to be unconquerable’. Right now, your mind is unconquerable when it comes to proving that you’re not worthy of love, that you’re lazy, or that you’ll always be out of shape or never have any money.But if we change our thinking a little, we can use our mind’s unconquerable nature to act on all the positive goals and dreams we hold for ourselves. We are wired to win – we just have to point ourselves in the right direction so we can win at something we consciously choose
  60. -Gary John Bishop
  61. We are wired to win. You are wired to win. Define your game, embrace the challenge and strive to understand yourself in deeper and more meaningful ways
  62. -Gary John Bishop
  63. We only see the highlight reels of others’ lives while being continually reminded of our own behind the scenes.
  64. -Gary John Bishop
  65. Get connected to your reality, your real life instead of your emotionally soaked self-talk narrative about your life.
  66. -Gary John Bishop
  67. The future can have truly great things in store for you
  68. -Gary John Bishop
  69. Your boat hasn’t and won’t sink so easily. There may be some waves, you might go through some storms, and you’ll probably end up seasick from time to time,but your journey across that ocean we call life will continue
  70. -Gary John Bishop
  71. You can handle this. It’s not going to kill you. Your life isn’t over. You’ve got plenty more left in the tank. Plenty.
  72. -Gary John Bishop
  73. Our aversion to risk, which was once necessary, no longer is. Those same survival instincts that once kept us alive can now be the very thing that keeps us from actually living
  74. -Gary John Bishop
  75. Missing the target isn’t the worst thing you can do. Not taking the shot is.
  76. -Gary John Bishop

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About the author

Gary John Bishop Image

Gary John Bishop, acclaimed author, delivers profound insights through his no-nonsense approach to personal development. His raw, unfiltered guidance empowers readers to overcome self-limiting beliefs. With a unique blend of wit and wisdom, he challenges an...

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Published Year: 2016
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Unfuck Yourself Book Cover
Chapter List
  • Lesson 1. Do you feel defeated?
  • Lesson 2. Talking to yourself? Is it Sane?
  • Lesson 3. Neuroplasticity
  • Lesson 4. Be Assertive
  • Lesson 5. The ‘But’ Phase
  • Lesson 6. Are you doing enough?
  • Lesson 7. Commit to your Statements
  • Lesson 8. You are Programmed only to Win
  • Lesson 9. Figure out your flaws 
  • Lesson 10. Perspectives
  • Lesson 11. You Have Got This
  • Lesson 12. A Cluster of Advice
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In the summary of Unfuck Yourself book, there are 12 key lessons. These lessons include:

  1. Lesson 1. Do you feel defeated?
  2. Lesson 2. Talking to yourself? Is it Sane?
  3. Lesson 3. Neuroplasticity
  4. Lesson 4. Be Assertive
  5. Lesson 5. The ‘But’ Phase
  6. Lesson 6. Are you doing enough?
  7. Lesson 7. Commit to your Statements
  8. Lesson 8. You are Programmed only to Win
  9. Lesson 9. Figure out your flaws 
  10. Lesson 10. Perspectives
  11. Lesson 11. You Have Got This
  12. Lesson 12. A Cluster of Advice

Unfuck Yourself by Gary John Bishop was published in 2016.

Once you've completed Unfuck Yourself book, We suggest reading out Getting Things Done as a great follow-up read.

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In the printed version of Unfuck Yourself book have over 300 pages and usually takes 8-10 days to finish. However, with the Wizdom app, including its summary and audiobook, it can be completed in just 15 minutes.

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