Thriving on Chaos

Handbook for a Management Revolution
Author: Tom Peters
0.0/5, 0 Reviews

Transforming Nokia

The Power of Paranoid Optimism to Lead Through Colossal Change
Author: Risto Siilasmaa
0.0/5, 0 Reviews

More Than a Minute

How to Be an Effective Leader and Manager in Today's Changing World
Author: Holly G. Green
0.0/5, 0 Reviews

More Turbulent Change

Don't Just Survive – Learn to Thrive During Times of Change!
Author: Peter R. Garber
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Navigating the Badlands

Thriving in the Decade of Radical Transformation
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Need, Speed, and Greed

How the New Rules of Innovation Can Transform Businesses, Propel Nations to Greatness, and Tame the World's Most Wicked Problems
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Next Is Now

5 Steps for Embracing Change – Building a Business that Thrives into the Future
Author: Lior Arussy
0.0/5, 0 Reviews

The Moment You Can’t Ignore

When Big Trouble Leads to a Great Future
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The New Social Learning

A Guide to Transforming Organizations Through Social Media
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The Next Rules of Work

The Mindset, Skillset and Toolset to Lead Your Organization through Uncertainty
Author: Gary Bolles
0.0/5, 0 Reviews