The Multiplayer Classroom

Designing Coursework as a Game
Author: Lee Sheldon
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The Necessary Revolution

How Individuals and Organisations Are Working Together to Create a Sustainable World
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The New St. Gallen Management Model

Basic Categories of an Integrated Management
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The One Minute Manager

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Theory U

Leading from the Future as It Emerges
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The Power of Now

How Winning Companies Sense & Respond To Change Using Real-Time Technology
Author: Vivek Ranadive
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The Power of Simplicity

A Management Guide to Cutting Through the Nonsense and Doing Things Right
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The Power of Spirit

How Organizations Transform
Author: Harrison Owen
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The Professional Service Firm 50

Fifty Ways to Transform Your "Department" Into a Professional Service Firm Whose Trademarks Are Passion and Innovation!
Author: Tom Peters
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The Pursuit of WOW!

Every Person's Guide to Topsy-Turvy Times
Author: Tom Peters
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