Get Out of Your Head Book Cover

Get Out of Your Head

Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts
Book by: Jennie Allen

Brief summary

Get Out of Your Head, written by Jennie Allen, is a self-help book that provides the readers with an overview of how to break free from a spiraling web of negative thoughts. The book is a Biblical guide, backed by psychology, which guides one through an illuminating journey of identifying the negative thought patterns, understanding the science behind why thoughts can change one’s life and recognizing one’s God-given powers to confront and overcome the toxic thoughts.

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Lesson 1. We all have a choice.


Our thoughts shape our lives. We are all captivated by our thoughts, our negative thoughts, that haunt us every day. It is like a spiraling web, one thought leading to another and so on. These negative thoughts make us believe in some lies about our own selves and question our faith. We are easily caught up in this spiral of negativity and become victims to our own thoughts. We tend to forget that we have control over our own thoughts. Instead, we surrender to the negativity that slowly consumes us and our faith.


Jennie Allen, herself, once fell victim to this toxic thought web, that tormented her for a stretch of 18 months. It also made a devout Christian like her to question her own faith. Allen was at her hometown, Little Rock, Arkansas, delivering talks at the Baptist Church there. In her first talk, she talked to her audience about demons who steal our faith. Soon after, she herself had a demonic encounter that pushed her into a whirlwind of negative thoughts that haunted her for a long while. She was threatened by a mysterious stranger, which left her awe-struck. This was followed by a black out at the Baptist Church, during her second talk. Allen believed that this was the work of the devil. She panicked and got restless. This restlessness caused by negative thoughts infested her mind for the next year and a half. During this period of mental turmoil, she had interrupted sleep. She would get up at 3 a.m. every night with worries that kept piling up.


She, eventually, began questioning her faith. She felt burdened by the weight of her own thoughts. It was after months of struggling that she had the revelation that she had a choice. In fact, we all have a choice. Jesus has equipped us with powers to overcome the trail of toxic thoughts. We all possess the power to make a choice - a choice of breaking free from the toxic spiral of negative thoughts.


Lesson 2. Combating busyness with stillness before God.


We are all afraid of the voices inside our heads, which emerge in the quiet. That is why, we avoid silence and try to combat our thoughts with distractions that keep us away from it. We divert ourselves into social media, we try to keep ourselves busy with an immense workload and also make too many friends to keep us occupied. Despite all these distractions, we find ourselves extremely lonely. We are always trying to run away from something which is why we fill

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About the author

Jennie Allen Image

Jennie Allen, a bestselling author and passionate advocate for women’s spiritual growth, has penned impactful books like “Get Out of Your Head” and “Nothing to Prove.” Her works, coupled with her leadership, inspire women to em...

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Get Out of Your Head Book Cover
Chapter List
  • Lesson 1. We all have a choice.
  • Lesson 2. Combating busyness with stillness before God.
  • Lesson 3. Combating fear with trust in God.
  • Lesson 4. Nobody changes anything all alone.
  • Lesson 5. Combating cynicism with delight in God.
  • Lesson 6. Thinking with the mind of God.
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In the summary of Get Out of Your Head book, there are 12 key lessons. These lessons include:

  1. Lesson 1. We all have a choice.
  3. Lesson 2. Combating busyness with stillness before God.
  5. Lesson 3. Combating fear with trust in God.
  7. Lesson 4. Nobody changes anything all alone.
  9. Lesson 5. Combating cynicism with delight in God.
  11. Lesson 6. Thinking with the mind of God.

Get Out of Your Head by Jennie Allen was published in .

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In the printed version of Get Out of Your Head book have over 300 pages and usually takes 8-10 days to finish. However, with the Wizdom app, including its summary and audiobook, it can be completed in just 15 minutes.

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