Lesson 1. Discover God and the Purpose of Your Life.
Our purpose in life is not about us. Instead, it is about God. We were created by God to serve him. In the present day, we are surrounded by people who ask us to introspect and look into ourselves for answers to philosophical questions about life. The meaning of life is one of the toughest questions that humanity faces. We pursue material things and run after superficial positions of success. These earthly successes are temporary. Our greater purpose in life is to fulfill God’s cosmic needs. Strengthening man’s relationship with Christ is the only way to connect with God. God must be the one to use you for his purpose instead of the other way around.
It wasn’t God’s obligation to make us. He simply chose to do it. Our existence is a matter of immense pleasure and joy for God. We must rethink the driving forces in our lives. We were not created by accident. Our existence is meaningful and we are here for a purpose. Every aspect of our life is present for a purpose. The people around us, the things we are good at, or even the memories that we hold on to, have a purpose. God has created each one of us to be unique in our own way. The first purpose in every Christian’s life is to understand the plan of God and embrace it accordingly.
We must remember that we have been created by God for a purpose. This thought alone should help one through their darkest days. In the middle of chaos, it is helpful to look for God to help us find a way out of it. Russian novelist Andrei Bitov discovered the meaning of God after several years of being an atheist. He had been in despair, and he thought life to be meaningless. He concluded that there was no other way to look at life. One day, while he was riding a metro, a thought popped into his head. “Without God, life makes no sense.” Suddenly, everything made sense. He walked out of the metro into life with a new perception. His misery melted away and he took the decision to dedicate himself to God. We must be sincere and let the sincerity shine through when we worship God. Worshipping God requires no formula. However, it requires passion and dedication. One must dedicate himself to God to feel eternal bliss.
The author makes it clear that there are more ways to worship than just singing hymns. One can read scriptures, reflect, confess, or admire the beautiful view. These are a few of
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