The Superpowers of Ceiling Smashers

Author: Shaz Kahng
0.0/5, 0 Reviews

The Third Shift

Managing Hard Choices in Our Careers, Homes, and Lives as Women
0.0/5, 0 Reviews

6 Ways That Women Can Champion Each Other ...

How to Be A Workplace Ally
Author: Lean In
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This Is How Everyday Sexism Could Stop You...

Author: Jessica Nordell
0.0/5, 0 Reviews

Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office

101 Unconscious Mistakes Women Make that Sabotage Their Careers
Author: Lois P. Frankel
0.0/5, 0 Reviews

The Naked Truth

A Working Woman's Manifesto on Business and What Really Matters
0.0/5, 0 Reviews

The Next Generation of Women Leaders

What You Need to Lead but Won't Learn in Business School
Author: Selena Rezvani
0.0/5, 0 Reviews

The No Club

Putting a Stop to Women’s Dead-End Work
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The Politics of Promotion

How High-Achieving Women Get Ahead and Stay Ahead
Author: Bonnie Marcus
0.0/5, 0 Reviews

Why Good Girls Don’t Get Ahead but G...

9 Secrets Every Working Woman Must Know
Author: Kate White
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